1:30 Half Marathon Training Plan

Target Race Pace 06:50 per mile / 04:15 per km for a 1:30 Half Marathon

To consider following this 1:30 minute half marathon training plan you should already be able to run at a target race pace of 06:50 for at least one mile (4:15p/km) and/or have a PB under 1hr 45 minutes.

If you are not quite ready then take a look at the 1hr 45 minute Half Marathon Training Plan instead and then come back to this one once you are in a position to run at this pace.

Other half marathon training plans: 8 week half marathon training plan || sub 2 hour half marathon training plan || 1:45 half marathon training plan || 1:30 half marathon training plan || 

Please read before starting a training plan:
Frequently Asked Questions | Signs of Overtraining

Your Speed/Distance Training Zones: 1:30 half marathon training plan

Race Pace per Mile / Km800m Intervals1km Intervals2km Intervals10km Race Pace
06:50/ 04:153min 09s
(Speed: 15:2 kmph / 9.4 mph)
4min 15s
(Speed: 15:2 kmph / 9.4 mph)
06:50 p/m / 04:15 pace
08:30 p/2km
42min 30s
*for speed/distance conversation allow for a small amount of rounding up/ down.

1:30 half marathon training plan

DayWeek 1Week 2Week 34 (rec week)
Monday5 mile tempo
Rest/ cross-train45 mins easyRest/ cross-train
Tuesday30mins easy45mins easyRest/ cross-train5 mile tempo
WednesdayRest/ cross-train30mins easyRest/ cross-trainRest/ cross-train
Thursday4 x 2km
@6:50 p/m (08:30 p/2km) 2 min Rec
10k Paced Run
Aim for 42:30
10 x 1km intervals
@4:15 p/mile (4:15 p/km) 90s Rec
Rest/ cross-train
FridayRest/ cross-trainRest/ cross-trainRest/ cross-train45mins easy
Saturday45mins easy10 x 1km intervals
@4:15 p/mile (4:15 p/km) 90s Rec
45mins easyRest/ cross-train
SundayLong run, gentle pace: 60-75 minsLong run, gentle pace: 75-90 minsLong run, gentle pace: 90-120 minsRest/ cross-train

1hr 30 Minute Half Marathon Training Plan Components

Breakeven Sessions – 1:30 half marathon training plan

These sessions are used for maintaining fitness & recovery. Preparing you for breakthrough sessions:

  • Easy/ recovery run – this should be no quicker than 10:00 p/m pace.
  • Long Run – 1-2 hours. Don't worry about pace, all your miles somewhere in the region of 10-11:00 minutes per mile, just enjoy the ride.

Breakthrough Sessions – 1:30 half marathon training plan

These sessions are meant to be challenging intense efforts, treat them as mini-milestones towards your target:

  • 800m Reps – these will be faster that your target race pace and should be at 6:20 p/m pace (3:09 per 800m) with a 90 sec jogged recovery. 15:2 km/per hour / 9.4mph for treadmill sessions.
  • 1km Intervals – same as above, faster than race pace, try to hit 6:20 p/m pace again (4:15 per km) with a 90 sec jogged recovery. 15.2 km/per hour / 9.4mph for treadmill sessions.
  • 2km Intervals – at race pace, so do 6:50 p/m pace (8:30 per 2km) with a 2 minute jogged recovery.
  • 10km Timed Effort – run a 10k race/training run at your maximum, try and aim for a sub 42min 30s.

About this 1hr 30min Half Marathon Training Plan

The sub 1:30 half marathon training plan has been put together so it is cyclical and can be used over a period of weeks until you feel you are ready for your event. At the end of each cycle you can repeat from the beginning or tweak the plan to suit your current ability and time commitments etc.

It is recommended that after three months of using the 1:30 half marathon training plan that you reduce your training for a period of one to two weeks to allow your body time to recover from the impact of running. This should mean more time cross-training with a couple of nice easy runs every few days to keep the legs ticking over.

To realise improvements it’s worth remembering that training is cumulative and it takes time and dedication to follow any training plan and achieve the results you want.

22 Responses

  1. Wojtek says:

    What pace should I run 5mile Tempo??

  2. Bertie says:

    My goal is a sub 44min 10km this year.

  3. Shaun says:

    What pace should I run the long run at? 10-11 min/mile seems a bit slow for the 1:30 plan. Cheers

  4. Graeme says:

    Can anyone clarify what pace the tempo run should be run at?

    • Anonymous says:


    • Gman says:

      I believe a Tempo run is the same as a “Threshold” run, which is ran at just below your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR), so that would be the top end of your zone 4 (out of 5). If you own a Garmin watch you can set this up.

  5. Leti Brighton says:

    Hi Matt! My PB (42yo woman) currently stand at 19:30 5K, 41:42 10K, 1:32:21 Half and I’ve JUST completed my first full marathon 3 days ago, a very successful Jack Daniels 18-week training programme (2Q session, low weekly mileage of 40-50miles) leading me to 3:09:58. (chuffed!!!)
    I now want to revisit the shorter distances and aim for sub-40mn 10k and sub-90mn half. Which distance should I focus on? Would you use Vdot paces on your programme? Thanks!

  6. Fernando A says:

    Hi Matt,
    I just completed the 4th cycle of the 1:45 Half Marathon and did 1:44:56 nice plan really got the desired results, do you think I can continue with 1:30 plan or should I continue with 1:45 or improve my 10K before moving to 1:30 HM

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